Ensure Your Kids Are Properly Cared For No Matter What Happens
As a parent, your most critical—and often overlooked—task is to select and legally document guardians for your minor children. Guardians are people legally named to care for your children in the event of your death or incapacity. If you haven’t done that yet, you...
Protecting Your College Age Children in an Emergency
As we think about back to school, some of us are sending young adults away to college. Have you considered what rights you may or may not have during a medical or other emergency involving your adult children? Many of us do not realize that once a child turns 18, it...
The Ski Trip: A Lesson in Health Care Power of Attorney
Joey is the oldest of three children from a loving home. Joey dotes on his little sister and she idolizes him. Joey is about to graduate from high school with honors and just turned 18. Several colleges, including some “reach” schools, have offered Joey admission,...
Help for the Sandwich Generation
Do you feel like you are being “sandwiched” as a caregiver? Do these stories sound familiar? Andy has to pick up his aunt B’s prescriptions on his way into the office, but the school bus is late to pick up his son this morning and he can’t be late to the monthly...
Long Term Care & Asset Planning
We don't like to consider it, but planning for retirement includes planning for financial freedom, but also planning for declining health. A long term asset protection plan combines documents that plan for both sets of needs. Here are some common concerns that...
What Documents are Needed in Estate Plans?
An estate plan is not a one-size-fits-all set of documents. Each plan is designed based on your concerns, your desires, and your goals. When people think of planning for their death, they often think, "I need a will." Sometimes, that is exactly what a person needs....
Estate Plans for “If” You Die
Do you have a plan for “if” you die? The fact that no one likes to think about is that it is not an "if," but a "when." And that means everyone needs an estate plan. It is not a popular subject and it is difficult to think about, but failing to have an estate plan...
Helping Parents in Their Golden Years
Many people have a picture in their mind of their parents aging in place in the care of family surrounded by children and grandchildren. Some are lucky enough to realize this dream, but, for many others, there are complications and challenges. Sometimes caregivers...
What Will You Do When You’re Older and Wiser?
Many of us were thrilled for the two elderly metalheads that “escaped” from their nursing home and attended a four day hard rock fest in Germany. The men returned home safely and all is well. I hope they had the time of their lives. When we age, do we want to control...
Guardian Ad Litem/CASA Volunteer
I serve as a court-appointed special advocate (CASA) or guardian ad litem (GAL) volunteer. I completed my 30-hour pre-service training course and stay with my cases until they close. I get to know the child(ren) by talking with everyone in that child's life: parents...
I Will Just Pay For My Own Long-term Care
Do you have long term care insurance? Have you thought about how you would pay for long term care? Most people do not realize that health insurance and Medicare do NOT cover the cost of long term skilled care. Some people think that they will be able to qualify for...
Estate Planning for Single Parents
Are you an Only Parent? A single or divorced mom or dad? Pulled in multiple direction, single parents often have the least time to deal with important financial matters. People parenting alone need to designate a custodian for their children if the unthinkable happens...
Blended Families NEED Estate Plans
When two families join forces, there are so many considerations. Parents often focus on introducing new siblings and creating new family dynamics and traditions. It is easy to forget to establish the legal and financial framework that protects both the parents and the...
No HCPOA: Joey’s Future Limited by Poor Planning
Joey, aged 18, went on a ski trip with friends and became ill/injured. Unfortunately, his family did not have Healthcare Power of Attorney. Joey’s medical mystery is getting under control. The scans and bloodwork indicate that Joey may have a rare ailment that will...
HCPOA: Joe’s Family Visits Their Personal Family Lawyer
Joey went on a ski trip with friends and fell ill / injured. Luckily, Joey's family had a Healthcare Power of Attorney in place. Joey’s medical mystery is getting under control. The scans and bloodwork indicate that Joey may have a rare ailment that will require Joey...